This is a taxpayer identification number given to each person registered as a taxpayer. For natural persons in Lithuania, it is the national identification number listed in the Population Register of the Republic of Lithuania. If you claim to be a US taxpayer, the taxpayer identification number is the Social Security Number (SSN), which has a 9-digit structure of xxx-xx-xxxx.
Concepts of the Know-Your-Customer Questionnaire for natural persons
A natural person who is or has been holding a prominent public function in the Republic of Lithuania, the European Union, international or foreign institutions within the last 18 months, and close family members or close associates of that person. A list of prominent public functions is given below. Please note that if you are a family member or close associate of a politically exposed person, you must also provide the requested information about that politically exposed person.
- Head of state, head of government, minister, vice-minister or deputy minister, secretary of state, chancellor of parliament, government or ministry;
- Member of parliament;
- Member of supreme court, constitutional court or other supreme judicial bodies whose decisions cannot be appealed;
- Mayor of a municipality, director of the municipal administration;
- Member of the governing body of the supreme state audit and control authority or the chairperson, deputy chairperson or member of the board of directors of a central bank;
- Ambassador, chargé d’affaires, Commander-in-Chief of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, commanders of forces and formations, Chief of the Defence Staff, or a high-ranking officer in the armed forces of a foreign country;
- Member of a governing or supervisory body of a public enterprise, public limited liability company, private limited liability company whose shares or part thereof granting more than 1/2 of all votes in the general meeting of shareholders are owned by the state;
- Member of a governing or supervisory body of a municipal enterprise, public limited liability company, private limited liability company whose shares or part thereof granting more than 1/2 of all votes in the general meeting of shareholders are owned by the municipal government, where such companies are deemed large enterprises within the meaning of the Law on Financial Reporting by Undertakings of the Republic of Lithuania;
- Head of an international intergovernmental organization, its deputy head, member of its governing or supervisory body;
- Leader of a political party, its deputy leader, member of its governing body.