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  • There are more talents than we are capable of disclosing

There are more talents than we are capable of disclosing

Champions, born to be leaders, gladiators, A-league players, office stars: we have thought of a lot of epithets for talented staff. But does there really exist a separate category of staff stars? Vytautas Sinius, CEO of Šiaulių Bankas, believes that every worker has the potential to shine, if he himself or his direct manager will see his strong qualities in time and plan the tasks accordingly.

The speaker acknowledges that banks are historically considered a more conservative sector, but in today's human resource management market they not only track changes but also develop them themselves.

”Compared to the rules of the labour market 15-20 years ago, today's employees are less loyal to organizations, are not afraid to question leaders, want to work in flat organizations, and do not value the hierarchy at all. They are attracted by projects, the desire to implement their ideas and goals. This means that now, as never before, we expect an immediate relationship between colleagues, employees and executives”, V.Sinius lists the changes.

Labour market-entering Y generation, which is estimated in 2025 will account for 75 per cent of all employees, also changes the human resources market climate and even destroys the well-established principles of the organizations’ activities.

“It is interesting that it is very important for the employees who are now entering the labour market to find out the meaning of the issue. This is especially true for the young generation Y: its representatives want to clearly understand the value created by the organization, the company's attitude to social responsibility, the reputation of the potential workplace”, V.Sinius notes.

Looking for meaning and recognition

For the latest generation of employees, also vital is the support and praise by the employer; however, not every young specialist can be considered the most desirable trophy of the modern office, the talent. According to research data, talented employees are distinguished from masses not only because they perfectly perform the assigned tasks – they quickly reap the rules of the organization, without stimulus take the initiatives, are interested in all the processes taking place in the organization and are actively seeking for innovative ways.

“Talented employees are distinguished first of all for their point of view: they are nimble, proactive and responsible, more inclined to become involved in the organization's activities. A talented employee often finds out why one or another project is important for the company, what is its purpose, what is the meaning of a specific task in the context of the whole organization. The questions are forcing organizations to brace up: they get the additional motivation to tune the strategic goals so that every employee, regardless of the level at which one works, finds his place and answer to the question of how he contributes to the company's pursuit”, V.Sinius says.

The CEO emphasizes that there is no practice in Šiaulių Bankas to divide employees into talented or not, but the potential needs to be learned not only to observe but also to cultivate.

“Every employee has a potential, only help him unfold. It is even more important that people who are based on similar values ​​come to the organization. When selecting employees, it's necessary to find out if the candidate will be able to perform the functions required by a specific position, but it is equally important to see what the organization can offer him when a talented professional improves and grows out from the boots offered to him”, interlocutor thinks.

In the opinion of the expert, the role of direct managers in the development of talent is very important.

“The same employee reveals himself as a talent and shines at one manager, and only performs his functions at the other. In order to reveal the potential of the employee, the manager must be able to identify and promote the strengths of the employee, to assign the most suitable tasks, but at the same time, to include such tasks as to encourage the employee to learn. For example, in our Bank, during all 2017, the Leadership Academy took place, it was graduated by 65 different line managers. The Academy paid particular attention at effective leadership, change planning and management, educational leadership, emotional intelligence, and the ability to provide feedback. The reason for such an initiative is simple: it is necessary to cultivate not only talents but also managers - they dictate the tone of behaviour in an organization. In the way managers deal with employees, the employees will deal with the company's customers”, V.Sinius shares experience.

Promote and include

The speaker emphasizes that it is not enough for a company to declare that it is developing talents: it is necessary to actively promote the employees for disclosure.

“It will be useful for both sides if employees are not afraid to look for new ideas, share experiences, success stories, and grow in their daily knowledge, skills and competencies. Talent management is not a separate program but a daily work that reveals itself through relationships and internal organizational culture. Let's say, you noticed that the manager solved the client’s problem in an inventive manner. Share the news with your colleagues - not only will you encourage this employee, but also give others the knowledge of how to deal with this situation. Daily motivation provides incentives to grow”, V.Sinius calls.

The company's internal culture must work in such a way that employees sought for voluntary engagement in the organizational processes.

“To feel involved, employees must clearly know how their goals are in line with the company's goals, how they can contribute to the success of the company. There is a simple rule: if the company employs engaged employees, usually such a company also enjoys a greater number of loyal customers. Of course, the engagement is much influenced by the employee's motivation - if one does not want, nobody else starts his inner engine”, expert thinks. “Companies need to be aware that engagement is a consequence, not a goal. It reflects all processes and internal culture in the company. Therefore, it is essential to promote employee engagement, focusing primarily on the internal environment, traditions, processes, employee-manager relations, and peer-to-peer cooperation. Without these components, no additional incentive measures will work”.

Speaking about the bank's experience in involving employees, V.Sinius, as an example, gives the Value Game played by employees of Šiaulių Bankas.

“This is a card-based team game that asks about specific work situations and gives answers individually of how one or another situation can be treated. Basically, all of the situations described are good, but the team has to make a single decision, no matter that they all may behave differently in making the individual solution. The game teaches to find a compromise, discuss it with colleagues, analyze the most relevant situations of professional activity that prevent from feeling well at work and achieving the results set, finding the best solutions and ultimately recognizing the behaviour that best reflects the values ​​of the bank. So that's really not exactly a game. Such events help us to better understand ourselves as a bank employees, to understand colleagues, to improve internal communication and microclimate”, suggests V.Sinius.

Not fireworks help

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are distinguished by a simpler structure, offering fewer career opportunities and their names on the market do not sound so loud. Therefore, talent management for these companies is even more important than for large corporations.

“In order to attract employees of exceptional skills, SMEs must emphasize the benefits: greater responsibility, freedom of expression, opportunities for development. Let us not forget that the best work is guaranteed by the strong motivation of the employees themselves. The structure of SMEs is simpler, it makes it easier to make decisions, to implement ideas more quickly. These arguments can encourage a talented employee to choose a career not in a solid international company, but in a small but dynamic and interesting company. With the right conditions, both the worker and the manager, as well as the whole company can grow”, says Mr. Sinius.

He believes that the desired result is determined by consistency and endurance, and not by day-to-day fireworks:

“You will not create an image of an employer that is attractive on a day-to-day basis. It is a long-term and permanent process. In a changing market, business must remain dynamic, adapting to new opportunities, challenges, technologies and, of course, the needs for new employees. It's important to know where the current path of your business leads the employees and customers. Agree, there's a difference whether it's an inspirational runway, or a highway with gravel stones”.

Talented employees:

