Companies sending payment orders to the on-line bank must use ISO 20022 XML format messages and can download account statements from the on-line bank to their accounting software. The format enables companies to automate delivery and processing of information, thus enhancing their performance.
The following payments can be imported with ISO 20022 XML file:
- payment in any currency within the bank;
- payment in euros in Lithuania and other banks registered in the EU;
- Salary payments;
- international payments.
ISO 20022 XML sample files (effective from 19/11/2017):
ISO 20022 XML format account statements on the on-line banking:
- ISO 20022 CAMT052 - for forming a statement for the current day or for the period when the last day is the current day.
For example, in order to form a statement on June 1, 2020 (current day), choose the period from June 1, 2020 to June 1, 2020, or choose a longer period, including the current day YYYY.MM.DD - June 1, 2020. - ISO 20022 CAMT053 - for forming a statement for the previous period.
For example, in order to form a statement before 01.06.2020 (current day), then choose the period YYYY.MM.DD - 31.05.2020 (not including the current day).
- The list of Šiaulių Bankas' transaction types
- ISO 20022 XML standard messages usage rules v.2.5. (PDF) (effective from 19/11/2017)
- ISO 20022 XML standard messages usage rules v.2.4. (PDF) (effective from 18/11/2017)
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