If it is requested to transfer funds in euro to the other bank registered in Lithuania it is necessary to indicate the beneficiary’s name, surname, identification number or the company’s name and code, address, the beneficiary’s account number in IBAN format.
If it is requested to transfer funds in foreign currency to the other bank registered in Lithuania it is necessary to indicate the beneficiary’s name, surname, identification number or the company’s name and code, address, the beneficiary’s account number in IBAN format and the beneficiary’s bank SWIFT code.
Domestic Transfers
Submitting a payment order it is possible to the transfer of funds from customer’s account to the other beneficiary’s account in the other bank registered in Lithuania using internet bank. The operations, which are executed by using internet bank, are described in internet bank manual.
A payment order in euro shall be made on the same business day if:
- the payer's and beneficiary's accounts are with Šiaulių Bankas; (using internet bank shall be performed as specified at the execution time for Transactions via internet bank);
- the beneficiary's account is with another bank registered in Lithuania and the payment order is submitted before 16.00;
Payment orders in foreign currency shall be made on the same business day if:
- the beneficiary's account is with another bank registered in Lithuania and the payment order is submitted by 15.00, DKK, GBP, NOK, SEK, PLN by 12.00, in other currencies - within one business day if the payment order is submitted by 17.00
- While transferring funds, the amount and the number of operations are not limited if the payment order is submitted in the bank.
- While transferring funds by internet bank, the conditions defined in the electronic services agreement are applied.