E-life New SB draudimas self-service portal For SB draudimas customers who signed insurance contracts from 12/01/2023 and former INVL Life customers whose contracts were transferred to SB draudimas. LOG IN
SB draudimas self-service portal Old SB draudimas self-service portal For SB draudimas customers who signed insurance contracts till 30/11/2023 LOG IN
Asset Management portal Asset Management Service portal For SB draudimas customers having Asset Management Service contract. LOG IN

Prudential standards

Bank 2024-12-31 2024-09-30 2024-06-30 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-31 2023-06-30 2023-03-31 2022-12-31 2022-09-30 2022-06-30 2022-03-31 2021-12-31 2021-09-30 2021-06-30 2021-03-31 2020-12-31 2020-09-30 2020-06-30 2020-03-31 2019-12-31 2019-09-30 2019-06-30 2019-03-31 2018-12-31 2018-09-30 2018-06-30 2018-03-31 2017-12-31 2016-12-31 2015-12-31 2014
Capital adequacy, % (>14.76%) 23.84 22.24 21.16 22.30 23.34


19.67 18.13 18.76* 16.48 17.90 19.93 19.90* 18.16 18.25 19.24 20.10* 18.66 18.81 18.61 16.09 15.30 16.11 16.80 14.82 15.19 15.85 16.77 15.32 16.89 14.59 11.94
Tier I capital adequacy ratio (TIER1), % (>12.25%) 20.25 18.75 18.68 19.82 20.85 18.70 17.16 17.31 17.94* 15.65 17.00 18.95 18.96* 17.19 17.28 18.22 19.07* 17.49 17.63 17.45 14.90 15.30 16.11 16.80 14.82 13.91 14.46 15.22 13.64 14.88 12.48 9.83
Tier I own capital adequacy ratio (CET1), % (>10.05%) 18.42 18.75 18.68 19.82 20.85 18.70 17.16 17.31 17.94* 15.65 17.00 18.95 18.96* 17.19 17.28 18.22 19.07* 17.49 17.63 17.45 14.90 15.30 16.11 16.80 14.82 13.91 14.46 15.22 13.64 14.88 12.48 9.83
NSFR, % (≥ 100%) 152.42 145.06 138.91 137.76 146.27 148.66 137.45 132.07 139.76* 131.20 137.34 137.99 149.37 141.02 145.67                                  
LCR, % (≥ 100%) 228.04 154.51 196.39 209.49 213.65 181.57 221.12 261.09 179.46 152.37 150.12 200.10 241.95 224.83 229.65 288.34 277.79 309.48 218.44 298.09 202.21 211.99 234.60 287.17 276.59 257.99 226.64 274.55 307.41 323.79 indicator is carried out indicator is carried out
Maximum loan to one debtor, % (<25%) 11.39 13.08 13.08 13.30 13.21 15.46 17.16 17.72 12.09* 10.33 10.69 10.87 10.70* 11.06 10.99 10.93 8.42* 11.51 11.82 12.14 14.83 15.87 15.11 15.34 18.23 18.84 15.46 15.72 18.43 12.18 14.58 17.47
Financial group                                                                
Capital adequacy, % (>14.76%) 22.77 21.22 20.01 21.11 22.41 21.34 19.61 18.13 18.96* 16.52 17.96 20.15 20.42* 18.54 18.62 19.65 20.69* 18.69 18.85 18.66 16.19 15.37 16.26 17.01 15.11 15.48 16.18 17.10 15.53 17.20 14.82 12.25
Tier I capital adequacy ratio (TIER1), % (>12.25%) 19.15 17.69 17.49 18.59 19.90 18.82 17.1 17.30 18.14* 15.69 17.07 19.16 19.47* 17.56 17.65 18.64 19.65* 17.51 17.66 17.49 14.99 15.37 16.26 17.01 15.11 14.21 14.80 15.56 13.86 15.19 12.70 10.13
Tier I own capital adequacy ratio (CET1), % (>10.05%) 17.30 17.69 17.49 18.59 19.90 18.82 17.1 17.30 18.14* 15.69 17.07 19.16 19.47* 17.56 17.65 18.64 19.65* 17.51 17.66 17.49 14.99 15.37 16.26 17.01 15.11 14.21 14.80 15.56 13.86 15.19 12.70 10.13
NSFR, % (≥ 100%) 147.31 141.20 134.9 138.95 142.98 145.45 134.06 132.49 137.60* 128.60 134.84 138.42 147.39 139.10 142.86                                  
LCR, % (≥ 100%) 232.20 155.83 198.88 211.98 216.94 183.39 224.54 270.16 183.76 155.82 152.07 204.03 246.78 229.02 233.89 294.18 283.06 317.06 223.47 306.81 206.13 216.27 239.66 295.42 281.05 263.98 230.71 279.75 313.35 346.88 indicator is carried out indicator is carried out
Maximum loan to one debtor, % (<25%) 12.18 12.74 14.15 14.32 14.02 15.37 17.21 17.71 11.94* 10.29 10.63 10.78 10.48* 10.91 10.83 10.76 8.22* 11.58 11.89 12.21 14.96 15.93 15.15 15.48 17.82 18.54 15.09 15.40 18.09 12.01 14.39 17.10
Bank group                                                                
Capital adequacy, % 22.75 21.27 20.05   22.46 21.30 19.57 18.01 18.85* 16.40 17.81 19.99 20.27* 18.42 18.50 19.57 20.58* 18.56 18.72 18.54 16.16 15.26 16.13 16.88 14.95 15.27 15.98 16.88 15.53 17.03 14.24 11.35

* The value of the indicator after the inclusion of retained earnings in the capital.