Securities Trading Platform
We offer our customers the access to a convenient online securities trading platform for the Baltic stock markets. With its help the orders to buy shares or to sell them are automatically transferred to any of the exchange of the Baltic States. Good is the fact that stock data shown on this platform is displayed in real time. In addition, particularly attractive commissions are applied.
Advantages for the investor
- can place orders all the day any day of the week.
- Cheaper. Commission fees applied for ordering through this method, are lower than those that apply to orders placed in the bank branches or by phone.
- Expeditious. Exchange data is displayed in real-time, while orders are not delayed: they get to the exchange immediately. This platform uses the simplified order form, which reaches the exchange much faster.
- Informative. The platform can display your securities portfolio of any date as well as the investment structure, profitability and company news.
- Modern. You can immediately use the cash from the sale of shares for other securities’ trading operations in the same exchange, rather than waiting until the end of the billing cycle.
- Flexible. You can use bank experts’ assistance and operational decisions.
- Confidential. Guaranteed confidentiality of personal information.
Where to go in order to use this platform?
- Conclude an internet bank service provision agreement in any customer service point of Šiaulių Bankas.
- Login to internet bank, select the menu item Investments , click on Securities Trading Platform and invest.
For more information on this platform, conditions and fees call +370 610 44447.