Prevention of Illegal Settlements in a Foreign Country
In order to protect our bank's customers from illegal usage of payment card data we have installed a security system for payment card settlements which would allow avoiding illegal usage of payment card data in the countries where such a risk is high.
Since 01 October 2014 transactions not supported by chip technologies* are blocked in the following countries:
Azerbaijan, Argentina, Bahrain, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, the Philippines, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, USA, Cambodia, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Panama, Peru South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.
Payment card holders intending to visit any of the above mentioned countries and wishing to avoid any likely inconveniences should notify Šiaulių bankas about a planned trip in advance in a following manner at their choice:
- The customer may himself or herself unblock the country to which he/she is going to internet bank;
- call the Remote Call Centre at +370 610 44447;
- visit the nearest customer service point of Šiaulių bankas.
We would like to pay your attention that after expiry of specified duration of a trip the bank shall continue blocking the transactions not supported by chip technologies and , thus, shall protect its clients' payment card data from the possible illegal usage.
The bank's specialist will be constantly monitoring and updating the list of countries where the illegal transactions are executed most frequently and will block payment card settlements in these countries. Depending on the potential risks different restrictions can be applied in such fields as cash withdrawals from ATMs, payment card settlements in the trading venues where it is not required to enter a PIN or payments on the e-stores.
In case of suspicion that a payment card transaction may be illegal, payment card transactions can be blocked in the countries not mentioned above.
In case you fail paying with your payment card, please contact the Remote Call Centre at +370 610 44447 immediately and inform about it - a bank's officer in charge will be entitled to cancel restrictions applied to Your payment card.
Our recommendations are as follows:
- Be very attentive;
- Avoid paying with a payment card for anything in suspicious-looking locations;
- Before using an ATM, be sure to look around and see if there are no unusual devices attached to the cash machine, and if there are no bystanders watching;
- Use ATMs installed in well-illuminated and not remote locations;
- Watch every move that the salesperson makes with Your card and do not let him carry it out - a payment card must always be at your sight.
Transactions not supported by chip technologies* are the transactions during which a magnetic tape is used and successful implementation.
For your information
- For each payment card You can be additionally order a Security programme, under which:
- The credit limit interest and a lost amount of up to EUR 3,000 are compensated within 1 (one) business day from the submission of a claim for unauthorized or illegal use of the card;
- a new card of the same type is issued free of charge in case of loss of the existing card or unauthorized use of its data;
- it is possible to change the card's PIN free of charge at ATMs where this service is offered;
- insurance of cancellation of event tickets due to illness;
- you are insured in case of loss of the vehicle keys;
- Civil liability insurance is in effect;
- A Security programme for a particular card can be ordered via internet bank filling in enquiry for the Security programme on-line or in the bank’s customer service points.