If you have acquired financial instruments through the Investment Account to which the Investment Account tax regime does not apply, the acquisition amount of these instruments is considered as a withdrawal of funds from the Investment Account. Investment returns from such financial instruments, for example, interest on bonds or realised gains from sales, are considered regular income and must be declared to the State Tax Inspectorate. Their transfer is considered an additional deposit in the Investment Account.
Example: you deposited EUR 10,000 in the Investment Account and acquired non-publicly traded bonds, which pay 10 % annual interest. The acquisition of these financial instruments is considered a withdrawal of funds from the Investment Account. After a year, these bonds are redeemed for EUR 10,000 and EUR 1,000 in interest. These funds were transferred to your Investment Account, from where you withdrew them. Interest on these securities, to which the Investment Account tax regime does not apply, must be declared as regular income and as an additional deposit in the Investment Account. No income tax under the Investment Account regime will be due since the withdrawal amount does not exceed the deposit amount, but you will need to pay personal income tax on the EUR 500 interest income, applying the EUR 500 income tax relief on interest.